Now to address the topic of my title...TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
I'm sure that most of us have heard or used the widely popular quote. "too good to be true", at one point or another in our lives. It seems to be the coined term attached to things that we desperately want, but never quite work out...but I see the quote as a crutch. Yup, that's right....I see the quote "too good to be true," as a crutch that we tend to use to make us feel better about making poor decision and to push away things and people that really are GREAT but we're too afraid to give a chance.
Here's what I mean...
In life we have the ability and the freedom to make choices for ourselves, whether the choice be a good or a bad one. I can say in my life there have been poor decision that I have made just because I was too stubborn to listen to good advice, there have been poor decisions I have made hastily in excited and impatience, and there have been poor decisions I have made because I was too afraid to let a something or someone in to my life due to past hurts....and all of those poor decision I, as a crutch, labeled with the phrase, It was "too good to be true." Labeling something as one thing doesn't necessarily make it true. The poor decisions I made in life had nothing to do with the "goodness" of the decision, but rather, the immaturity of not taking the situation in, in it's entirety and taking the time to discern whether or not the decision was a good one to make. There too many people and too many circumstance in life, that are waiting to present your life with success destroying limitations, for us to be adding more too it by labeling possibly GREAT things as too good to be true based off our lack of maturity to know the difference.
Take the time to truly discern the opportunities and people in your life. Take the time to form educated decisions in your life and I promise you, you will find that most all of the things in your life that are good are simply good and the gloom of a once limiting quotation, "too good to be true." is no longer dimming your possibilities.
I hope you are having wonderfully blessed days lovies. xoxo ♥
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