They say that the first step to recovery is to admit you have a here goes nothing.
Yes, I am a workaholic and I know it. I honestly believe that I was born to be a workaholic, a "break my back because no one can be better than me unless I let them" hard worker. I was taught that a rigorous work ethic would be my flotation device in a world full of drowning procrastinators...thanks DAD. lol. I was also born in the year of the Ox. We have an extremely high propensity for working. When others are throwing in the towel exhausted and out of breath, that is when I am hitting my stride, my pace. I have yet to fully isolate if I like working just for the sake of working or if I'm in it for all the financial gains...((shrugs)) maybe it's both.
Now, the above statements aren't necessarily bad, but my constant need to be busy is starting to effect my health and my sanity. I have extreme brain is constantly plotting out my next move. I find only a moments peace in a 2 or 3hr rest and then I'm back at it. I also feel as if I am missing out on adventures and opportunities. I am a free spirit for sure...the wind is constantly trying to blow me to greener pastures, bluer skies, and crystal clear waters of possibilities, but my anchor has always been work ((I'm sure this is a feeling that most 9 to 5 corporate workers share with me)) lol.
Anywho, the other night when I was working out and listening to my iPod, Kanye West's song SPACESHIP came on. These few words are still echoing in my head.
"I've been workin' this grave shift and I ain't made sh*t. I wish I could buy me a spaceship and fly past the sky"
Somehow...I'm gonna find away to fly my kite and be the kite at the same time. (if that makes any sense)...Somehow.
Thanks for listening to my thoughts of the day. I appreciate each and every one of you!! xoxo ♥
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[image: Top 5 Holiday Colors to Wear Now for Work]
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2 months ago
I love the style with which you write. You use such illustrative always paint such a good picture of exactly what it is that you are thinking and dealing with. I love you!!!!