The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines faith as:
a firm belief in something for which there is no proof - complete trust - something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially a system of religious beliefs
but to me...faith is soooo much more.
For me, your aspect of Faith starts with you seeing your destiny atop the highest mountain imaginable. You are standing in the deep valley below and you know, in the very core of your being, that you are too weak to make the climb.
While assessing all that you are, you see what you desperately need...you see all that you have...and you see all that you have isn't enough to help you make it up the steep, jagged, crude wall of the mountain.
Example: Moses - God enlists him to deliver the Israelites from the slave hold of the Pharaoh. He and the Israelites escape from the clutches of the Egyptians, only to run into a vast sea that separates the Israelites from true freedom and the enemy in hot pursuit behind them. Faced with only two options...to SWIM or to FIGHT, the Israelites find themselves in a precarious position, knowing that both options are not enough to overcome the enemy. But God, in his infinite might, gave Moses more then the human eye could see, more then what Moses saw he had...and through his FAITH, Moses was able to wield a regular stick used as a walking staff and part the mighty sea before him.
To Read more on Moses' amazing journey read Exodus Ch 13 & Ch14
So you see...you're standing in front of this ominous mountain that separates you from your destiny. And it's true...all that you see you have IS NOT enough to help you up that mountain, but FAITH gives you the opportunity to use the tools that you cant see...the tools deep down inside you, the tools given to you at birth by a MAGNANIMOUS GOD. YOUR DESTINY IS YOURS...YOUR FAITH IS YOURS TO EXERCISE...WHETHER YOU OBTAIN THE TWO IS IN YOUR CONTROL...WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE?!
I hope this post finds you blessed. I'm sorry that it's been so long since my last serious post. I encourage you not to let FEAR stop you from exercising your FAITH.
♥ xoxo my darlings.
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