"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."

-Groucho Marx

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm Back & Better Than Ever


I felt like I needed to take a brief hiatus from blogging cause I had sooooo much going on in my life! Have you ever been so overwhelmed with life that you cant even effectively put into words what you're feeling? Well that's where my life has been the last 3 weeks. Now, don't get me wrong...I was not overwhelmed in the negative sense of the word...quite the opposite, in fact, I've been sooooo overwhelmed by the amazing things that have been happening in my life! I'm finally on the path to all my dreams and I don't intend to leave it.
#1 Becoming a performing artist (vocally & theatrically)
#2 Finishing School (International Business Management & Journalism)
#3 Moving out of New Mexico (To Cali or Atlanta)
#4 Being in the same state as my AMAZING BOYFRIEND (I love him )
#5 (back up plan) Being a Sports Agent if #1 doesn't work out

Those 5 goals, last year, seemed like an unimaginably tall mountain that I could never successfully reach the top of. I stressed and cried and prayed and cried and stressed some more...I almost gave up on some of the dreams too. But Lord knows, lol of course He knows, that I am not one to EVER give up on something I truly want. God gave me the strength to hold on and keep believing...and lo and behold, in his timing, God has set into motion each and every one of the 5 dreams I listed above. I am on my way to realizing all my dreams and that I could just SCREAM with excited me every second of the day!! lol. Patience is most definitely a virtue and it is one that God is constantly perfecting in me. I welcome the days ahead!

So, this is where I'm at lovies...this is where I want to stay...this is the time of my life and I'm living it up!!! Sooo....C.H.E.E.R.S!!! Cheers to dreams...Cheers to patience...Cheers to faith...Cheers to perseverance and never giving up...& Cheers to you lovies!

I hope you all are doing well!!! I'm hear to listen and share in your triumphs too!!
Be Blessed!!! xoxo

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Storm, The Rainbow, The Pot of Gold

Today...TODAY...oh Today was an AMAZING DAY.

I'm choosing not to share the reason why simply to allow this one statement the full opportunity to saturate into your soul:



Tuesday, September 7, 2010

If Life Gives You Lemons...

POSITIVITY is the key to greatness...the key that unlocks possibilities...the key that sets you free.

Life is HARD, there's no question about it, but it is the most amazing gift given to us. A lot of our lives are squandered by the negativity we allow situations to bring into our lives. STRESS, ANGER & DEPRESSION are all effects of allowing negativity to seep into our lives. But you see, the struggles we face day to day make the accomplishments we achieve so much sweeter. Struggle brings out appreciation, spurs on drive, and gives us the chance to HOPE & PRAY...it is the thread that weaves all the good in life together. There is opportunity in every difficulty, we just have to take the time to seek it out & capitalize on it...so when life gives you those lemons, don't fret, rejoice in the FREE opportunity to make lemonade.

I hope this small bit of MEME advice, can give you a chance to see, if only for a moment, the brighter side.

xoxo Loves

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