"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."

-Groucho Marx

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lord I Need You...We Need You...Now

It's been a rough day :( My Nina (My aunt & godmother) is in the hospital dying. She's fighting so hard to stay...but things aren't looking good for her. I'm seriously struggling to keep it all together. There's so much I feel like saying, crying, screaming...but with all the emotion building this song says it all. It says everything my soul is emitting. Lord, my family & I...we need you now.

I Need You Now
~ Smokey Norful

Not a second
Or another minute
Not an hour
Or another day

But at this moment with my arms outstretched
I need you to make a way
As you've done so many times before
Through a window or an open door

I stretch my hands to you
Come rescue me
I need you
Right away

I need you now
I need you now
I need you now
I need you now

Not another second
Or another minute
Not another hour of another day
But Lord I need you right away

If I never needed you before
To show up and restore
All of the faith that I let slip
While I was yet searching the world for more

The true best friend I have indeed
You're my best friend I know indeed
I stretch my hands to thee
Come rescue me
I need you right away

The agony of being alone
The fear of doing things on my own
The test and trials that come to make me strong
The feelings of guilt, hurt, shame, and defeat
The way the trials that beat upon me
But to know Lord that in you I've got victory

I need you now, Lord, I need you now
I need you right now, right now, right now
I need you now

Oh not another second
Not another minute, Lord
Can't wait another day
Oh Lord, please make a way
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, Mmmmm, Yeah

I hope that you had a blessed and wonderful day. It's important that we be thankful and happy for everyday that we spend above ground. You see...someone somewhere didn't get to see this day...and someone somewhere wont get to see tomorrow. Our days...no matter how hard or how incredible...are still gifts given to us by our wonderful and mighty GOD!! Embrace each day...Enjoy the things you have rather then dwell on the things you don't. Carpe Diem...Seize the Day!!!

Please, if you can, keep my aunt and my family in your prayers. We appreciate it so much. I love you lovies!! xoxo

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Grrr....Im stuck at home again on this frantically windy night, listening to my ipod and reading over old poems again. There is nothing I love more then spending time reflecting over life...and the thing that inspires my wonderings the most is listening to music and writing down my feelings. Im not terribly good at song writing, but I am pretty good at voicing my feelings (past & present) through poetry!! Below is a poem that I have written and love, but cant quite find the right title for. Feel free to read and give me your suggestions. I'd be honored!!!


Yes, I thought I must forsake life
And just turn myself into stone;
The desert wind fully suited me:
No heart, no soul; just bone.

Yes, I thought it would be foolish to attempt
To yearn for something again;
Yearning turns to need, and then
transfigures into pain.

I laughed at people falling in love
at those who believed in someone's word;
To make my happiness depend
On faith seemed quite absurd.

I lay alone and meditate
Sleeplessly in my bed,
So numb, so dumb, so icy, and cold,
Not realizing I was dead

And then you arrived and glistened
My life overflowing with snow
And saw the Spring of new life only love
Could appreciate and grow;

You made me feel so dazzling
I stripped off my cold, grey skin,
And opened the doors of my heart to you,
And, fearfully, let you in.

So now, my treasure, I am in love,
With everything that I've been through.
I know the ugliest of all the world,
And...above all, I believe in you.
Meisha Dwight

Dedicated to you...

Meisha Dwight © 2009

I hope you enjoyed stopping by and discovering more about who I am and what I love. Have a blessed night darlings. xoxo

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

MORE (("POWER")) TO YA...Kayne's Back!!

Ahem...(clears throat)...Kanye West is back with his newly released & much anticipated single "Power", off his upcoming album Good Ass Job. The beat for "Power" is crazy and intricate as usual, but the song in itself lacks an addictively memorable chorus like some of his other singles that have been so popular.

As for Good Ass Job, Kayne's 5th Album, it's set to come out sometime around September, and I personally cant wait to hear what Mr. West has in store for us this time. Roc4Life indicates that we will see Kanye collaborating with artists like RZA, Drake, Q-tip, and Pete Rock among others. Another Classic Kanye Album? I'd say it's shaping up to be that way. Hopefully this newest album will bring back more of Kanye's rap and less R&B, even though 808s & Heartbreak were alright in their own ways...((shrugs)) I guess.

Below is the a YouTube link to the song. Take a Listen.

What do you think of Kanye's newest single, Im interested to know?!

Thanks for stoppin by to read again loves!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Greatest Revolution

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives" -William James-

I think there comes a point in all our lives when we take a step back and realize suddenly how much we've come to grow and change from the person we were so secure in being or thought we had come to be. Change is a thing that is always leading us by our hands, whether we want to follow or not. No matter your age or experience, we're always changing, for better for worse, by will or by chance, no one remains the same. Just the way that the seasons change in the appropriate time, so our lives too must change and adjust to new circumstances. I realize today how much I've changed, and how much change that will come in the future. I look back and realize how much I miss the bliss of childhood, the seemingly neverending years of high school, and my first year of college..which lead me to a new place and introduced to a whole new group of people and way of life. Change is a fast paced thing...but it leaves us with memories. I can only smile and hope that one day I'll be able to look back on my life and remember everything with sincere happiness.

"Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change."
— Confucius

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:
old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV)

Just a little food for thought lovies.....I hope you have a blessed night!! Take care!!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Prayers of My Conscience

Every night provides a moment to reflect on the day that's past and your life as you see it now. Today has been a special day...One of relaxing, washing dogs, talking to my baby and ending with a lil tv, guitar time and hopefully sleep...but as of right now...my heart is reflecting and this is what it's speaking....

Guide me when my faith isnt faithful
Guide me when my strength isnt strong
Guide me when my peace isnt peaceful
Guide me when my right is wrong

Guide me with your patience when my patience is no longer
Guide me with your wisdom when the answers are indiscernible
Guide me with your presence when im feeling lost and desolate
Guide me with your spirit cause you are my only mentor, Lord.

These are the prayers of my conscience.

Welp lovies...Im off to bed. I enjoyed another day and enjoyed writing another post. I hope you enjoyed!!! *Be Blessed* xoxo

Friday, June 11, 2010

If I Never...Know This

Im here at home (opting to spend another night in rather then go out) and I decided that maybe it's time I share another passion of mine with you!! POETRY!! Being that I love music with ever fiber of my being, poetry (the lyrical quality of music) is also something that rests deep in my soul. Below is a poem that I wrote a couple years back...2008 to be exact...and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it.

If I Never...Know This

If I never again feel the rain trickle on my face in the spring
Or hear the sweet hum of the breeze through the trees
If I never again see the rays of sunlight reach for the earth thru the clouds
Or walk the soft land beneath my feet

Know this:
You awakened my life to the joys of knowing the difference of loving & being in love.
You gave me the hope of a future bright and luminous.
You smiled at me and melted the walls of my icy concerns.
You are my best friend and the man I love.

If I never again laugh at the great humors in life
Or cry for those things that could never be explained
If I never again see the sunrise awaken the horizon to my eyes
Or watch that same sun say good night to that which it warms

Know this:
I remember the first day you looked into my eyes and saw my soul.
I feel your arms around me and utterly protected even though you aren't always there.
I whisper your name in my sleep cause my mind is constantly on you.
I see you for the man you are today and the man you will be in the future.

If I never again get to sing of the blessings that God has bestowed
Or dance to the rhythm of a life ever changing
If I never again get the chance to see your smiling face
Or watch the way you effortless live, love, and learn

Know this:
One day soon we'll fly away
One day nothing but the love we have will matter
One day we will look back at our lives together and smile. Just smile

And in closing, if one day never comes…
I will always and forever know you as my love
Always and forever

Meisha Dwight © 2008

Thanks for stopping by and spending another moment with me and my thoughts about the past, present and future. xoxo

Thursday, June 10, 2010

One Person ((YOU)) Can Make A Difference

I've been thinking a lot about life lately. A good friend of mine recently passed away and his passing has put a lot of things into perspective. Some say that life is like a marathon...but I beg to differ. Life is so much more challenging, to me, then just some marathon. Marathons are infinitesimally easier to navigate and complete. In a marathon the racers all line up at equal distance, they race for 5/6 miles or so, and can see the finish line within a couple hours and all the while, the racers have crowds of adoring fans cheering them to completion. Life's race on the other had is quite different..you never really know where or when the finish line will appear. Life isn't fair and we all don't start at the same points and though life may be harder then just a fair weather marathon, it is still so worth the race. We were given life to live abundantly and the unknowns in this life race we run, provides for more excitement and a reason to strive to uncover and fulfill that which we dream. Not seeing the finish line of life gives us the reason to dream, to close our eyes and imagine the possibilities. You see, though life is harder then a mere marathon...we are not governed by a set path, we have the ability to choose or own paths.

God, with his love and longing for us to succeed, gave us the Bible, full of many GREAT, blessed and anointed people that have run and completed their life's race. Many that have given us a good model on how to go about life's challenges. And one of my favorites is NOAH!! Noah's life is a perfect example for the fact that one person's life CAN make a difference for many!

Noah, the Bible says, lived to be 950 years old...which is one heck of an accomplishment, but it's absolutely nothing to the way he lived his life. His uprightness and love for God saved our humanity from certain extinction!!! The Bible, in Genesis, breaks down the condition of humanity and the actions Noah took to save the people from complete destruction.
5 The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. 6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain. 7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them." 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.

9 This is the account of Noah.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God....
•Genesis 6:5-9•

The rest of Genesis 6 gives an account of Noah and his family and how his life affected theirs. I encourage you to read the rest!!

I am blessed to know that our lives, too, can make a difference. We can make a difference for our families by living lives of integrity and obedience to God making good examples and role models, for our surroundings by taking extra steps to make the places around us better then they were before we came, for our future generations by passing on the positive knowledge we have to others, and for God by being ready to take on the tasks he entrusts to us. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE...any time, any place, at any age. It's up to you! Are you willing to be the difference you want to see in this world?

My Prayer

Father, please help my family and friends to embrace the power you've given us individually. Give them the will and the endurance to run the life race set in front of them and the power to follow through with the tasks at hand. Thank you for this day Lord, and for any of the day to follow.

Yawn...exhausted again, but blessed to see another day!! I hope this post find you blessed as well, loves. xoxo

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ART, but you eat it too. • M'm M'm Good •

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder...well IM BACK & hopefully your heart has grown fond of my RANDOM...but all ME blog!!

Today, while searching for a new twitter background I stumble across amazing photography that inspired this post...FOOD ART!! Art amazingly is portrayed through many different forms, and for me all art is beautiful. Below are some WACKY - OVER THE TOP - DELISH forms of art. Art that, frankly, made my day and made me realize that eating can be just as fun as nutritional!!

[FOOD] + [ART] = ♫ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...oh-my-gosh ♫

"The preparation of good food is merely another expression of art, one of the joys of civilized living"
Dione Lucas

Feel Good Food...Feel Good Art!!! I hope you enjoyed!! *Be Blessed* xoxo

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What Lies Within Us

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

How amazingly insightful Emerson was with this simple and to the point statement. His words, for me, ring so true to the soul and yet I feel that on a daily basis, we as a society forget that the past and the present aren't what defines us, but rather, it's what we learn from the past and the present and how we allow them to reflect in us that truly makes us who we are. I know that my past has been darker then a moonless night and I know that my future is brighter than the sun.....but my soul is God's making....forged in fire and soften with grace and I refuse to let past or future trials define my existence. I am more then a conqueror, I am a woman after God's own heart, a child created ONLY in the image of my Gracious Father....Forgiven and Saved. So the past is the past and the future is the future, but throughout all my journeys I am and ALWAYS WILL BE an heir to the highest kingdom.

Have a blessed and wonderful day...and remember that YOU decide who you are, not your circumstances.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

*Bom•Chick•A•Wah•Wah* - Summer Trends of 2010 & My Thoughts On Em. VOLUME II

I'm finally back to go over the rest of the 2010 Summer Trends as I see them. I'm sorry it took me so long to continue from my previous blog post, but sometimes life has a way of sneaking in a few extra distractions. Needless to say, I'm back, and more opinionated then ever...so, where did I leave off?! Oh yeah...

• Trend #6: Jumpsuits & Rompers
ONE PIECE FASHION IS BACK & while it is a CUTE alternative to shorts and pants...this style may not be for everyone. It definitely takes a certain amount confidence to pull off this edgy look, but give it a try and decide for yourself. Jumpsuits and Rompers are not new to the fashion scene, but designers have gone out of the way to give us a new take on comfortable glamour. Ranging from business casual to elegantly edgy; rompers and jumpsuit come in a range of the lengths, colors, and cuts...easily catering to the tastes of everyone. The question is...DO YOU DARE?!

• Trend #7: Torn & Ripped Denim Jeans
Mmmm...YES, I love me some ripped denim lol. Ripped denim was GINORMOUS in the days of the 90s rock movement and reappeared in the early spring of 2008...but now 2010 is ready to continue and embrace this fun trend. Not much has changed in the look of the style, but the difference between ripped now and ripped then is the consumer. Ripped, torn and shredded denim is now embraced by many...not just the rock scene.

• Trend #8: See Through Tops & Dresses
Chiffon, sheer fabric Tops and dresses are major on the fashion radar! Again, this style is not new to the fashion scene, but provides the barely there, light as a feather day or night time wear that we all look forward to in the excruciating heat of the summer. The key to this lovely trend, is to keep it classy and elegant!! ♥

• Trend #9: Knee High/Thigh High Socks
I'm sure you're thinking, "SOCKS AS A FASHION TREND?!," and if you're not well...I did! As I've had time to analyze what I once thought was a stupid trend for the summer...it makes sense to have a trend of knee high/thigh high socks in the same year as the blow out trend of the knee high/thigh high boots. The best thing about this quarky trend, is that they are multi-seasonal so feel free to take your time to ease into them. They can be worn with shorts, dresses, and rompers and be paired with tennis shoes, ankle boots and heels. This trend is not for the faint of heart, so the key to this fun trend is CONFIDENCE...CONFIDENCE IS KEY!! :)

• Trend #10: Swimwear - Single Shoulder Bikinis/Monokinis & Cut Out Bikinis

Single Shoulder Bikinis and Monokinis - Just as the single shoulder tops and dresses made their way onto the fashion scene full time...Single Should Bikinis are now running with the trend to make a splash of their own.

Cut Out Bikinis - A trend for the adventurous...Cut Out Bikinis are also taking the torch of the cut out shirts and dresses of 2009. My personal fav of 2010!!

As enjoyable as going over the latest fashion is, I am exhausted! Please be aware that I am not a fashion expert and the above selection is my opinion and my opinion only...If you have any input please feel free to share with me. I hope this blog post finds you blessed!!

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